The Past Few Weeks!
The past few weeks have been quite busy! Here is a quick update of our latest activities and outings:
Beavers learnt how basic electrical circuits work and then in groups had a go at making some using batteries, cables and lights or buzzers!
Beavers learnt all about different disabilities people can have and understood how it may feel to have a disability by playing blindfold games. We all learnt our Beaver Scout Promise in British sign language too.
As part of our monthly Church Parade, our Scout Group took part in St. Matthews Church’s Christingle.
For our Air Activities Badge we had to learnt about different types of aircrafts, talk about our experiences flying, make paper aeroplanes and draw a picture of an aircraft we would like to fly in, either real or imaginary.
At Space Night we learnt all about the solar system and the universe! We played some space themed games, looked at the stars and the constellations and looked at the planets in the solar system.
Chinese New Year night we learnt all about the culture and story of China and their New Year! We watched a video of the story behind the New Year and the animals, we tried some Chinese food (including: noodles, prawn crackers and spring rolls) and played a fun chopsticks relay race!!
SHH ITS A SECRET (Mothers’ Day)!!
As a special Mothers’ Day gift we visited a Pottery supplier who kindly let us decorate mugs for all the special Mothers! Everyone decorated a mug and watched it being dipped in glaze before it went off to be fired. A BIG thank you to Jenny Hawkins who kindly helped us to do our mugs!
We booked Snakes and Ladders as a different activity for Beavers and their Siblings! Everyone had a brilliant time playing!