CANCELLED – Family Beetle Drive – Saturday 28th March
Sadly due to the current situation, we have cancelled this event.
Harwell Village Hall – Orchard Hall
Saturday 28th March
Doors Open 5:00pm, 5:30pm Start
£10.00 per team of 2
Teams of 3 (1 Adult + 2 young children) also OK.
Includes a choice of Bolognese or Chilli supper (Vegetarian can be requested in advance)
Instead of our traditional Quiz night this year, our Committee has decided to hold a ‘Family Beetle Drive’ on Saturday 28th March at the Harwell Orchard Hall from 5 pm. We very much hope you and all the family will come along to help make it an enjoyable evening – the game is easy and can be a lot of fun!
For those of you unfamiliar with “What” a Beetle Drive entails, it is a very simple yet fast game of throwing a dice, with the objective of creating a sketch of a Beetle where each number of the dice entitles you to a feature (such as Legs or Eyes).
A small, yet obvious, frustration is that you have to have a Body (i.e. Throw a Six) before you can attach anything and a Head (Throw 5) before Eyes or Antenna can follow. Everyone in the room will be attempting to create the same, with two teams playing together.
The game finishes when any one team in the Room completes their Beetle. Scores are then recorded at the end of each game and the teams rotate around the room to a new partner – when we will start all over again. A session will comprise six games or 45 minutes (whichever the shorter) and we will play two sessions over the evening.
The Team Ticket Price is £10 and will include entry and a pot supper, with a choice of either Chilli or Spaghetti Bolognaise. Teams must consist of two people, except that teams of one adult and two young children (10 or under) are allowed. There will be prizes for both the winning and the lowest-scoring teams.
Proceedings will start at 5.30 pm and are planning to finish around 8 pm, making this event particularly suited to Families with Children. That said “of course” all are welcome, and we hope many will support this new initiative.
A licenced Bar and Soft Drinks will be available throughout the evening at reasonable prices.
Please either register through OSM (if you are a member of our group) or contact us
Hope to see you there.
Brian Zimmerman
Group Scout Leader