Category: Cub News


Cubs Visit Fire Station

In March Driftway Cubs visited Didcot Fire Station, which we learned was the centre where most firefighters in Oxfordshire come to do their training. We started the evening learning about hazards in the home...


Cubs at 100

This year has been special for Cub Packs around the world as we have been celebrating the Cubs Centenary. The Harwell scouts have made references to this in the activities we have done throughout...


Budding Chefs

Last night the Church Hall was transformed into a buzzing kitchen as the Cubs got cracking on making a 2 course meal as part of their Chef’s badge. They measured and mixed, peeled and...


Driftway Cub Pack opens in Harwell!

On 5th November the new Driftway Cub Pack launched with a sparkle as Cubs learnt how to be safe with fireworks! The date was too good to ignore, so the Pack started by working...


Sixers and Seconders Expediton Camp

Over the October half term, the Sixers and Seconders of the cub pack ventured down to Buddens Scout Campsite in Dorset, to learn about the skills needed for expeditions similar to the Duke of...