Scouting in Harwell
The Harwell Scout Group is very proactive in delivering a program consistent with these ideals, the following being examples of activities our members can enjoy on a frequent basis:
Camps | Caving | Sailing | Canoeing |
Rafting | Pioneering | Orienteering | Walking |
Cycling | International | Cooking | Survival Skills |
So what’s holding us back from getting bigger and better?
Leaders and Skills Instructors!
Are you a village newcomer (or indeed established resident) hiding in your home after a busy day at work?
Perhaps you enjoyed the camaraderie and fun of being a Scout in your early years and just don’t know who to contact allowing you to do your bit in passing your experiences onto today’s youngsters?
Do you partake in any of the activities listed (or any other skill which may stimulate the mind of young people) and have sufficient knowledge of your pastime to share with others?
To find out more (no commitment) contact me (details at foot of page), the Group Scout Leader.
Perhaps, if a little less agile, you may still be interested in supporting the Group through a donation to our equipment, which obviously has to be maintained to the very highest standard. Have you considered Gift Aid? We are a registered Charity and we have a constant ‘wish list’ of needs to support the delivery of our programme.
Scouting Centenary celebration event
We hope this letter is hand-delivered in time for you to attend our Centenary tree-planting – Sunday April 29th on St Matthew’s Church lawns at noon!
Past members and leaders are invited to join us for this ceremony, which will take place immediately following the Morning Service. It is anticipated that some awards will also be presented during this gathering. Please join us for light refreshments.
Centenary Barn Dance
Tickets are now available for our Barn Dance which will this year be held in the FEAST MARQUEE on Saturday night May 26th. The band Kickshins will lead the dancing. A licensed bar will be available and supper provided. Tickets are £10 each. Contact Liz Roberts on 83 42 95 or [email protected]to reserve your tickets (please note, no ticket sales on the night and the event is not suitable for under-16s).
And finally – a cold request
The Group needs a couple of fully functioning fridges (preferably tall style). If you are about to change your fridge and want to put the perfectly workable, but perhaps aesthetically less attractive, predecessor to a good cause please give me a call on 221146.
Brian Zimmerman
01235 221146
[email protected]