Following on from the Act of Remembrance Service, the Explorer Unit have prepared some activities which look at the Scout Promise – the promise that we all made when we joined Scouting and renew at least once a year, or when we move sections.
These activities will be led by groups of Explorers and will take place in Section Breakout Rooms on Zoom. The worksheets below are there to supplement these activities.

Activity | Description | Download |
1 | Reflection Flower | Worksheet |
2 | Be Kind Fortune Teller | Worksheet |
3 | Do your best: Is your best the same as my best? | Worksheet |

Activity | Description | Download |
1 | Friendship Braclets | Worksheet |
2 | Do your best | Worksheet |
3 | Making Connections | WorksheetTree Template |

Activity | Description | Download |
1 | House of Cards | Worksheet |
2 | Strengths and Weaknesses | Worksheet |
3 | VE Day Escape Room | WorksheetEscape Room |

You will find activity cards for each of the activities below which will explain how to complete it and suggests some possible adjustments if you don’t have all of the resources that you might need.
Beavers (non-members age 5-7) will need to get 20 Points
Cubs (non-members age 8-10) will need to get 30 Points
Scouts (non-members age 10-13) will need to get 40 Points
Explorers & Network (non-members age 14-17 & 18+) will need to get 50 Points
Our team is available to help you, should you have any questions about how to complete an activity. You can either e-mail us here or contact us via ‘Badges at Home’ in Online Scout Manager.

Activity Number | Description | Points | Section | Download |
M1 | Make a Poppy | 5 Points | All | Worksheet |
M2 | Make a medal | 5 Points | Beavers / Cubs | WorksheetTemplate 1Template 2 |
M3 | “Make do and mend” | 15 Points | Cubs / Scouts / Explorers | Worksheet |
M4 | Trench Art | 10 Points | All | Worksheet |
M5 | Peace Cranes | 5 Points | All | Worksheet |

Activity Number | Description | Points | Section | Download |
F1 | Find out about rationing | 10 Points | All | Worksheet |
F2 | Make something using a rationing recipe | 10 Points | All | Worksheet |
F3 | Modern Conflict and Food Supply | 15 Points | Scouts / Explorers | Worksheet |
F4 | Find out how military food has changed between WW2 and present day | 10 Points | Scouts / Explorers | Worksheet |
F5 | Find out about the Ministry of Food and create a poster. | 5 Points | Beavers / Cubs | Worksheet |

Activity Number | Description | Points | Section | Download |
G1 | Make a paper plane and see how far you can fly it. | 5 Points | All | Worksheet |
G2 | Create a game about war and peace. | 25 Points | Scouts / Explorers | Worksheet |
G3 | Play blow football | 5 Points | Beavers / Cubs | Worksheet |
G4 | Play a code-breaking game and find out about famous code-breakers from WW2 | 15 Points | Scouts / Explorers | Worksheet |
G5 | Play a game of conkers | 5 Points | All | Worksheet |

Activity Number | Description | Points | Section | Download |
P1 | Pictures of Nature | 5 Points | Beavers / Cubs | Worksheet |
P2 | War Graves | 10 Points | Cubs / Scouts / Explorers | Worksheet |
P3 | Tree of Words | 10 Points | Scouts / Explorers | Worksheet |
P4 | Do a chore | 5 Points | Beavers / Cubs | Worksheet |
P5 | Scout Law Acronym | 15 Points | Scouts / Explorers | Worksheet |
P6 | Role Model | 5 Points | Beavers / Cubs | Worksheet |
P7 | Sing a Song | 10 Points | All | Worksheet |
Need some help?
Got a question about an activity? Not sure if you how you can adapt a certain challenge? No problem, either fill out the form below, or send us a message through the ‘Badges at Home’ feature on Online Scout Manager and we will get back to you as soon as possible!
Further Information
Our activities were inspired by the Pawprint Remembrance Day Activities and adapted by our Explorers as part of their Chief Scout Award badgework.