Returning to limited normality
I am delighted to advise that our key team of volunteer Leaders have agreed to begin the process of resuming face-to-face Scouting during this half term. Precise details of how each Section will be meeting face-to-face, which may not be consistent across the Group, will be transmitted through OSM.
It is to be appreciated that (in common with schools) our activities will be managed with contracting COVID-19 remaining a risk. Consequently, controls consistent with guidelines from our national organisation will be in place and members will need to demonstrate a willingness to be compliant if they are to attend meetings.
Except for any organised activities outside Harwell, meetings for the remainder of this term will be held on the Harwell Recreation Ground. We will not return to the Church Hall until September, and this will only be if safe to do so. We will have access to the Pavilion for emergency needs.
Our Covid related risk assessment is available on the attachments of the event on OSM for your information. Please download a copy here and share it with your child.
We will continue to monitor changes to the regulations and restrictions and any changes to our plans will be communicated to you in advance.
Should any member of your household exhibit any Covid symptoms (high temperature, a new, continuous cough, or a loss or change to sense of smell or taste) or receive any positive Covid test (PCR or lateral flow) it is essential that you keep your child at home and inform your child’s sectional Leader.
Key considerations before leaving home are: –
- Make sure that the Parent 1, Parent 2 and Additional Emergency Contact Details are up to date on OSM.
- Child to have been to the toilet.
- Wash hands thoroughly before leaving for meetings.
- Leaders, Scouts and Explorers must bring a face mask for use when indoors. No sharing of face coverings is permitted in any circumstances.
- Leaders and Parents/Carers will need to wear face masks during drop-off and collection.
- Your child must in good health in order to attend.
In “ACCEPTING” the OSM Event you are consenting to your child participating during the Summer Term and acknowledging that you accept our arrangements and you have read our risk assessment.
If you have any concerns, please get in touch with your section leader.
Thank you.
Brian Zimmerman
Group Scout Leader